What Clients Have to Say
"I catapulted pretty quickly through the ranks and ended up as head of a major department. One day I was a vital member of the team, and the next I was in charge and had several outstanding leaders older than myself as subordinates. After one particularly long week, I thought to myself, 'Who am I kidding? It's only a matter of time before they realize I'm in over my head.' After several sessions with Jay I was leading with confidence again." (Defense Contractor)
"Jay helped me discover that it was my own passivity as a leader that was emboldening and empowering my most problematic staff. Gossip and intrigue ran rampant, and I found myself in a peace-maker role. Once I learned how to define my position more courageously and articulate the vision more clearly, those who had been draining the energy out of our department became marginalized; some departed, others improved. My best performers began to thrive again. My only regret is that I let the problem persist for too long." (Department Head)
"Success followed success, but even as we continued to excel, my team was becoming disgruntled. A couple of our top performers started looking elsewhere. After a few sessions with Jay, I came to realize that I'd become a bit arrogant and had stopped listening to my people. He helped me develop a strategy to turn that around." (Real Estate Developer)
"I encountered a 'wicked problem' in my family life -- more effort to solve it seemed to actually make things worse. Working with Jay helped me to re-frame the problem, which I was eventually able to view as an opportunity. The matter is slowly but steadily being resolved. More importantly, I feel like I'm in control of the agenda and no longer constantly in reaction mode." (Senior Department of Defense Civilian)
"Though I was having amazing success in my professional life, my work-life balance was way out of line. This took a toll on my family relationships and eventually degraded my work performance. Jay helped me get a handle on things at home; my work-life balance is much better now, and I'm more focused and productive at work than I've been in years." (Senior Military Leader)
"I'm high-energy and very creative, which sometimes makes me spread myself too thin. Because I had so many interests, I was having trouble getting traction on any of them. Working with Jay helped me find the common theme among those interests. We developed a strategy to focus on the underlying theme, and I got my moment of clarity." (Writer/Activist)
"After taking our non-profit to a previously unimaginable level of influence, I gradually became bored and my performance slipped. I was comfortable but I was also miserable. Jay helped me figure out that I had simply stopped taking risks. I'd ceased playing to win and was unconsciously playing to not lose. My competitive edge returned immediately." (Non-profit CEO)